Q. I am interested in trying a remedy you’ve written about for joint pain, Certo in juice. Must pectin be used only in grape or cherry juice? These drinks tend to be high in sugar, which I try to avoid. I can’t take artificial sweeteners.
A. We suspect that the anti-inflammatory compounds in grape or cherry juice may boost the effects of this remedy somewhat. Some readers have successfully used pomegranate juice mixed with Certo. Unsweetened pomegranate juice is quite tart but very pricey.
We heard from another reader who found a different approach:
“We can’t drink the fruit juice because of sugar problems, but have found the same relief by mixing a pouch of Certo along with two large boxes of sugar-free Jell-O and making a big bowl. We eat about half a cup of this Jell-O mix with our lunch each day and it seems to work just fine for arthritis.”
Sugar-free Jell-O contains artificial sweeteners, so it is not appropriate for you. We encourage you to try mixing the Certo in a beverage you can drink and let us know if it works. More stories about the benefits of Certo and juice can be found on our website (PeoplesPharmacy.com). There is also more information about easing joint pain in our Guide to Alternative Treatments for Arthritis.