Q. I snore a lot at night. My wife is always complaining about her sleep being interrupted by my loud snoring.
I recently wore earplugs to bed for another reason, and this had the unintended result of stopping me from snoring. I now wear earplugs to bed every night and no longer snore.
A. We can imagine earplugs helping your wife deal with your snores. How they would stop your snoring is a mystery to us.
Snoring is sometimes a symptom of sleep apnea, which can have serious consequences for health. If your wife agrees that you no longer snore, you need not worry about this. If she still complains, discuss it with your doctor, who may prescribe CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure). A new device consists of a nose plug rather than a full-face CPAP mask. Some people find it easier to use to solve their snoring problem.
Overcoming sleep apnea can help with weight control, headache prevention, attention deficit problems, and high blood pressure.