Q. I live in Dallas where West Nile virus is a serious worry. Avoiding mosquito bites is a challenge.
I’ve heard that taking vitamin B1 supplements can discourage mosquitoes. Is this an effective way to prevent West Nile virus?
A. Although we have heard from some readers that 100 mg of thiamine (vitamin B1) taken orally can reduce bites, research does not support this approach (Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, June, 2005). Because West Nile virus can be so serious, DEET-containing repellents are a prudent protective measure.
Many readers report that natural products such as catnip oil (nepetalactone), basil oil or the herbal oils in old-fashioned Listerine can be used to discourage mosquitoes. When mosquito bites are merely an annoyance, natural repellents could be a good strategy. But if your health is at stake, as it is in this year of West Nile virus transmission, it makes sense to go with a repellent that has been approved by the FDA on the basis of objective tests. Those include DEET, picaridin, IR3535 and oil of lemon eucalyptus. Here’s more information on these options.