Q. My mother read somewhere that vodka-soaked white raisins might be good for arthritis. She is now eating nine a day.
Mom has taken quite a bit of ribbing from the family. What is the benefit from this formula? Can you provide any written details about how to prepare them and how often she should eat them, how they should be stored, etc.?
A. We first heard about a gin-raisin remedy in 1994. Some folks tell us it is worthless while others sing its praises. Here is just one example:
“This remedy has worked for me for over two years. When I forget to eat my raisins for several days my arthritis gets much worse. I can’t believe how much better I feel when taking them. Since I do not tolerate medication for inflammation at all, the raisins are my only relief.”
This recipe calls for golden (a.k.a. white) raisins. Put them in a shallow bowl, then pour just enough gin over them to cover them. Allow the gin to evaporate, a process that may take as long as a week. Then keep them refrigerated in a covered container and eat nine raisins daily.