Q. I suffer from interstitial cystitis. I have tried prescription drugs, acupuncture and a dietary supplement called CystoProtek. I heard that Botox might be helpful in relieving symptoms. What are your thoughts?
A. People with interstitial cystitis (IC) have to urinate frequently, sometimes as often as every 10 to 15 minutes. They may also experience pelvic pain, bedwetting and a feeling that they have to get to the bathroom in a hurry. Sexual intercourse can be extremely painful.
Although doctors don’t know what causes IC, it appears to be related to inflammation of the bladder. The diagnosis is difficult and IC may be confused with overactive bladder or other problems. There is no cure.
Doctors have tried many treatments, including inserting botulinum toxin (Botox) directly into the bladder (Current Urology Reports, Sept. 2008). Some patients benefit, but there is no guarantee of success.
A survey of 750 patients with IC found that certain approaches were more reliably associated with symptom relief than invasive treatments (Urology, Jan. 2008). These were, in order of effectiveness, the dietary supplement Prelief (calcium glycerophosphate), the OTC drug phenazopyridine and prescription Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium).