Q. I’ve tried all kinds of commercial deodorants for underarm odor and have been disappointed in all of them. I’d scrub till my armpits bled and then within minutes of my shower I would stink again.
By chance, I found something that works for me. It is zinc cream for baby diaper rash. It’s cheap and easy to find in any pharmacy.
I apply an almost invisibly thin layer and rub it in. It keeps odor away all day long.
A. Zinc oxide has antimicrobial activity (Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, Dec. 2011). This may account for its odor-controlling properties.
We have also heard from many readers that liquid magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) can control body odor. Here is one story:
“I’ve been using milk of magnesia on my armpits and I am sold. It dries quickly and does not stain my clothes, plus it works to suppress body odor.”
Becky G had this experience:
“I have been allergic to some metals since I had my ears pierced years ago. One of the metals is aluminum, which when in antiperspirants, caused terrible itching in my armpits. Even if I used deodorants without aluminum, the itching would continue for months until the aluminum worked out of my body.
I tried the natural crystal deodorant and was very pleased, since it seemed to act as an antiperspirant as well as a deodorant. I thought the continued itching was just part of working the old aluminum out of my body. But no, I used the crystal deodorant for over a year, with the itching continuing.
Then on this website, I read that I was still applying aluminum on my body when I continued to use the crystal deodorant. I stopped the crystal deodorant and bought another over the counter deodorant without alum.
The itching finally stopped, and I am now itch free. So I know that I am no longer applying aluminum to my body.”
KDelphi reported:
“Some of us have pretty severe allergic reactions to aluminum in antiperspirants. I also cannot imagine that stopping up major sweat glands (sweating IS the body’s way to extracting waste products) is good for the body long term.”
Kathleen offered this testimonial:
“I bought the MoM deodorant from this site for my husband and myself. It is working great for both of us. Thank you Peoples Pharmacy!”
If you would like to find out more about MoM deodorants, here is a video. You can also get more information about ingredients and other people’s experiences at this link.