Q. You have written about how people can reduce the number of trips they make to urinate during the night. I think they might want to get caffeine products out of the diet because caffeine stimulates the bladder.
I’m not just saying this. I had a few unacceptable side effects from meds to control my bladder. I stopped taking them and also switched to decaf.
In a short time the urgency and frequency of having to urinate decreased to a manageable amount of visits. It is not that difficult a change to make.
A. Thank you for the recommendation. We are enthusiastic about solving problems like this by altering the diet somewhat rather than taking pills that have side effects that could be treated with more pills.
What About a Bedtime Snack?
Another tactic that some readers use to reduce the number of bathroom visits during the night is to eat a small handful (perhaps 1/6 cup) of raisins not long before bedtime. We are not sure why or how this remedy works, but many readers offer testimonials like this one:
“I tried eating raisins before going to bed and I am thrilled with the outcome. I was getting up five times a night nearly every night.
“The first night I tried the raisins I got up twice and last night I only got up once. I hope it will keep working this well. Thank you, whoever thought of RAISINS.”
Raisins are sugary and stick to the teeth, so anyone using this tactic will need to brush after the snack. Tell us about your approach to reducing nighttime visits to the bathroom below, where it says Add My Thoughts.