Q. I’m a newly-wed, and I have severe vaginal dryness all the time. Everything there is so dry that it itches constantly and it really hurts when my husband tries to touch me to “get things started.”
I tried using a moisturizer (Cetaphil) and it helps temporarily but the relief is short-lived. Could extra-virgin olive oil help me?
A. First, check in with your gynecologist to make sure there is no infection causing the symptoms. Oil may be helpful, but only if you and your husband are not using latex barrier contraceptives. If you are, look for a water-based lubricant that would not destroy latex.
Olive oil is not the only option. We heard recently from a reader in Great Britain:
“My girlfriend and I have used pharmaceutical-grade coconut oil as a sexual lubricant for five years. It is inexpensive, pure, tasteless, odorless and glides beautifully. It also has fantastic antibacterial properties that discourage yeast infections and soothe delicate skin.”
For more details and a variety of other approaches to ease vaginal dryness we are sending you our Guide to Menopause.