Q. I read your coconut macaroon article and asked my doctor about using coconut instead of my Crohn’s medicine. He said that he has seen it work for others and to give it a try. He said to add pineapple for anti-inflammatory properties.
I have been eating a large pinch of coconut morning and evening for five months and have no Crohn’s symptoms. I add the pineapple a couple of times a week.
A. We are pleased coconut has helped. Not everyone will benefit, however, and a physician should be involved in such decisions.
Donald Agar in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, first discovered that Archway Coconut Macaroon cookies stopped the chronic diarrhea associated with Crohn’s (inflammatory bowel disease). He shared his success with us 10 years ago in this column.
Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory activity. Yours is the first report that pineapple might also be beneficial for Crohn’s.