Q. My doctor told me that my blood sugar level was one point away from requiring medication for type 2 diabetes. I was very concerned because diabetes seems to be such a chronic and painful disease.
I had read about taking cinnamon to lower blood sugar levels, so I went to the health food store and got a good size jar of ground cinnamon. I started putting about half a teaspoon in my morning health food drink. To my surprise, six months later my blood sugar level is completely normal. Cinnamon worked!
A. You are not the first person to report success with cinnamon. Although further research is needed, data in the medical literature indicate that cinnamon can lower elevated blood sugar (Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, Dec. 2009).
In our book, Recipes and Remedies, we provide details on how to use cinnamon in coffee and oatmeal, along with foods like almonds, fenugreek, mustard, vinegar and bitter melon that help control blood sugar.