Q. I have been using Certo in purple grape juice for arthritis pain and it really works. But I wonder if there are any side effects. For example, since Certo is a thickening agent, does it thicken the blood? This sounds silly, but if oatmeal can lower cholesterol maybe Certo also has some effects on the body.
A. Certo is a brand of liquid fruit pectin used by home canners to help thicken jams and jellies. It is unlikely to “thicken” blood.
Your oatmeal example is on target, however. Pectin, like oatmeal, contains soluble fiber, so we suspect that Certo might lower cholesterol modestly the way oatmeal can.
Certo also contains citric acid and potassium citrate. A pharmacist suggested that this combination may help ease the inflammation of arthritis. Citrate may also be helpful in preventing kidney stones (Journal of Urology, June 2007).
We discuss various recipes for this home remedy and offer many other non-drug approaches to easing joint pain in our Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis.