Q. I began taking celery seed extract capsules six months ago for gout. Within a day, all foot pain was gone. A blood test six weeks later showed normal levels of uric acid. I take two capsules each morning. It’s a miracle, as far as I’m concerned.
A. Gout is an inflammatory condition in which crystals of uric acid precipitate out of the blood and build up in the joints. This causes excruciating pain and swelling.
Celery seed was a traditional treatment for rheumatism. Ethnobotanist James Duke, PhD, author of The Green Pharmacy, attests that celery seed extracts have helped him ward off gout attacks.
Many other readers tell us that sour cherries can also help against gout. One reader reported:
“I used tart cherries to cure a gout attack and it worked. The real news is that the pain from osteoarthritis of the hip joint diminished also.”