Many doctors are unaware of the science supporting azithromycin for asthma. Why would this antibiotic help? Can azithromycin help rosacea?
Aysa, a new app for your tablet or smart phone, can help you determine what is wrong so you'll know whether you need to see the doctor.
Coffee has a reputation as a rosacea trigger. But data from the Nurses' Health Study suggests that drinking coffee lowers a woman's chance of rosacea.
Some readers who have tried many treatments suggest putting milk of magnesia on your rosacea. It seems to calm this inflammatory skin condition.
Some people find that eating food with pepper or other spices can make rosacea worse. Could extra veggies and beans help calm it?
Many readers report that washing the face with the dandruff shampoo Selsun Blue can help ease the redness and bumps of acne rosacea.
Milk of magnesia applied to the face can help rosacea, easing the redness and bumps.
Dandruff shampoo such as T/Gel or Selsun Blue may take some of the redness from skin affected by the inflammatory condition rosacea.
Eliminating trigger foods can help relieve the redness of rosacea for some. Others benefit from inexpensive home remedies that are surprisingly simple.
A cream containing calendula extract may be helpful in treating acne rosacea.