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Articles categorized as Poison Ivy Rash

Article imageTerry Graedon - September 5, 2024
Article imageJoe Graedon - July 25, 2022
Article imageJoe Graedon - December 30, 2024 - 14 comments

Vicks vs. Itch: Why VapoRub Eases Poison Ivy Itch and More!

Why would Vicks VapoRub ease itching? In particular, why would Vicks help control a poison ivy itch? We think we have an answer: TRP-How-Why?

Terry Graedon - May 13, 2021

Show 1223: How to Care for Summer-Stressed Skin (Archive)

Joe Graedon - May 3, 2021

Will A Banana Peel Ease Inflammation and Itching from Poison Ivy?

Joe Graedon - August 10, 2020

Poison Ivy and Prednisone? Reader Rejects This Treatment

Terry Graedon - June 24, 2019

Can You Use Beer to Wash Off Poison Ivy?

Terry Graedon - June 10, 2019

What Can You Do About Poison Ivy?

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Terry Graedon - November 1, 2018

How Aysa, an AI App, Helped a Mother with her Child’s Rash

Aysa, a new app for your tablet or smart phone, can help you determine what is wrong so you'll know whether you need to see the doctor.

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The People's Pharmacy - August 6, 2018

Solutions to Stop Suffering from Poison Ivy

Consider washing up with Tecnu or Zanfel to keep from suffering from poison ivy. They remove the irritating oil from poison ivy, oak or sumac.

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Joe Graedon - June 25, 2018

Rediscovering How Hot Water for Itches Works for Hours

What do you do for mosquito bites or poison ivy? Ever heard of hot water for itches? It's an old home remedy and it goes back to at least the 1960s. We have an explanation for how it works.

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Joe Graedon - May 1, 2017

Should You Worry About Scary Corticosteroid Side Effects?

Most people think that corticosteroid side effects occur only after long-term treatment. New research suggests that short-term therapy also poses a problem.

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The People's Pharmacy - May 9, 2016

How to Soothe Poison Ivy Rash

Outdoor activities such as gardening or hiking may bring contact with poison ivy, oak or sumac. How can you manage a poison ivy rash?

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Terry Graedon - April 4, 2016

Could Banana Peel Ease Rash from Poison Oak?

A cool banana peel applied to a rash from poison oak or poison ivy stops the itch and soothes the skin.

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Joe Graedon - July 27, 2015

Rules for Relieving Poison Ivy Suffering

Prevention is primary, but some remedies can help in relieving poison ivy itch and misery.

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Joe Graedon - June 9, 2011

Some Poison Ivy Remedies Make Itchy Skin Worse

Doctors report that few poison ivy remedies help very much. Diphenhydramine can make the rash itchier and even OTC cortisone is not effective.