Email your question or call in live to get Dr. Jane Andersen's advice on how to fix your foot pain? If you have bunions or corns, listen!
Could there be a relationship between statins and low LDL cholesterol and nerve damage? A new study from Germany has produced evidence that there is a link.
Statins are among the most prescribed drugs in the world. Do such medications cause nerve pain (peripheral neuropathy)? Most experts say no. Are there data?
A long-running study suggests that people who eat fish and shellfish regularly are less prone to chronic disease as they age.
Benfotiamine may help alleviate nerve pain associated with diabetes. A reader wonders if it will help other types of neuropathy as well.
The antidepressant amitriptyline is prescribed for nerve pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia or migraines. Can amitriptyline cause memory problems?
Why is the opioid crisis getting worse? People in chronic pain are suffering because they can't get opioids. Why are so many others overdosing on fentanyl?
There are many challenging side effects from cancer treatment. One that is not always appreciated in advance is peripheral neuropathy from chemotherapy.
Two-fifths of breast cancer survivors in a recent study reported troubling nerve pain two years after treatment with chemotherapy.
There may be several natural remedies for nerve pain, although they have not been extensively studied in randomized controlled trials.
Uncovering and correcting a thyroid hormone problem and a vitamin deficiency made a long-term tingling sensation disappear.
A combination of pectin (used by home canners to thicken jams and jellies) with grape juice may ease foot pain due to neuropathy or plantar fasciitis.
One reader found that magnesium supplements reduced the numbness and nerve pain that resulted from a reaction to strong antibiotics.
Patients in pain are being denied opioids. The DEA, CDC and FDA advise against narcotics. Is an unexpected consequence increasing use of marijuana for pain?
Finding ways to control blood pressure without devastating complications can be a challenge.
One statin side effect that may take people by surprise is neuropathy. It can show up as severe pain or as numbness in fingers and toes.
According to a recent FDAs safety communication, use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics may lead to permanent nerve damage in some patients.
Benfotiamine, a form of the B vitamin thiamine, has been used to treat peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes.