When vitamins hurt: The link between excess vitamin B6 and nerve damage. How much pyridoxine is safe and how much could lead to neuropathy?
Is cholesterol necesary for proper nerve function? Most prescribers are unaware of this idea, but statins and nerve damage in type 2 diabetes are related.
Marijuana oil applied to the skin helps one senior with persistent nocturnal foot pain. Others in the retirement community are taking note.
A long-running study suggests that people who eat fish and shellfish regularly are less prone to chronic disease as they age.
Benfotiamine may help alleviate nerve pain associated with diabetes. A reader wonders if it will help other types of neuropathy as well.
Activity against a wide range of chronic diseases, from Alzheimer to cancer to fatty liver makes turmeric so wonderful that it is a very popular supplement.
Diagnosing what is causing neuropathy or nerve pain can be challenging. Sometimes it is caused by too little or too much vitamin B6. Beware of overdosing.
Uncovering and correcting a thyroid hormone problem and a vitamin deficiency made a long-term tingling sensation disappear.
Finding ways to control blood pressure without devastating complications can be a challenge.
According to a recent FDAs safety communication, use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics may lead to permanent nerve damage in some patients.
When it comes to vitamin B6, it is important to avoid vitamin overdose. Too much pyridoxine can lead to debilitating nerve damage that may take a lot of time to heal.