A Mayo Clinic study showed an increase in the incidence of painful kidney stones. Changing dietary patterns and medications may be contributing.
Older people who take calcium supplements may be getting more calcium than they need.
There is a good chance you are taking off label drugs. Do you know the risks and benefits? Doctors may not reveal they are prescribing without FDA approval.
Sliding up and down and whipping around corners on a thrilling roller coaster ride has been shown to help pass a kidney stone.
Millions of men and women take alpha blockers like tamsulosin to limit nighttime urination. But some serious side effects may not be mentioned.
Drinking green juice made of oxalate-rich foods like beet greens, kale or parsley could overwhelm the kidneys and result in painful kidney stones.
Beets increase levels of nitric oxide and lower blood pressure, but beets are high in oxalates that could increase the risk for kidney stones
There may be a very good reason why kidney stones are more common in the summer, especially in the south. (Think sweet ice tea). Switch to lemonade!