One reader has found that chewing Rolaids can stop hiccups instantly. If you try this remedy, please let us know if it works for you.
Have you ever heard of a teaspoonful of sugar to help with curing hiccups? What about pickle juice or sucking on an olive? We've got a new one: acupressure!
Readers have offerd scores of remedies for hiccups, but there is little research. One reader insists all you need is a sip of pineapple juice for hiccups.
Do you have a favorite hiccup cure? Readers share some of their favorites, from drinking water while holding your ears to sucking on chocolate chips.
Chronic hiccups lasting two days or longer deserve medical attention. They may signal a serious health problem that requires treatment.
Hiccups often respond beautifully to a home remedy such as a special water-drinking technique or swallowing a spoonful of sugar.
Munching chocolate chips offer an appealing remedy for stopping hiccups.