Aspirin costs pennies a day. New breakthrough research explains how aspirin keeps cancer from spreading. Will medicine pay attention?
People who eat more ultra-processed foods are at a greater risk for developing cognitive decline and strokes than those eating fresh foods.
How good is the evidence that aspirin or NSAIDs can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer? You might be surprised at the latest research!
A meta-analysis finds that regular aspirin use can help prevent colorectal cancer. A new study offers a reason for such an anti-cancer effect
Before starting a daily regimen, carefully consider the benefits and risks of aspirin. Will you be helped or harmed by this amazing drug?
People who skip meat in favor of fish, dairy or vegetable protein seem less likely to develop cancer of the breast, prostate or colon.
Vigorous exercise increases tissue glucose usage, leaving tumors without the ability to spread easily from organ to organ.
How good are colonoscopies at preventing colon cancer? More important, how well does this screening procedure prevent colon cancer deaths?
French health authorities have linked the consumption of processed meat like ham, salami, and bacon to an increased risk for colon cancer.
How good are the alternatives to colonoscopy, such as FIT or Cologuard, for detecting colorectal cancer? When should you start?
Antibiotics save lives! But data are showing a link between antibiotics and colon cancer. Could an increase in this malignancy be related?
Data from two different studies show that vitamin D may help prevent colorectal cancer, especially among younger individuals.
Listen to find out when your digestive distress might signal a serious problem and when you could manage it at home with simple remedies.
In Hong Kong, people taking ACE inhibitors or ARBs seem to have a lower risk of colon cancer. Are the drugs responsible?
A new study finds that the combination of adequate vitamin D and magnesium helps patients with colorectal cancer avoid an early death.
According to a new study, men who eat yogurt twice a week or more have a lower risk of colon polyps and possibly colorectal cancer.
Colonoscopy is a life-saving procedure to detect and prevent colon cancer. Does the stringent colon cleansing process result in changes to the gut flora?
We talk with two eminent experts about how to heal your digestive tract. Dr. Shaheen treats Barrett's esophagus. Dr. Bretthauer treats C diff.
Older people who take calcium supplements may be getting more calcium than they need.
Do you take calcium to keep your bones strong? How good is the evidence that it works? Do you know about calcium side effects such as colon polyps? New data are worrisome.
People who frequently eat nuts reduce their risk of a recurrence of colon cancer. Nut consumption has other health benefits as well, especially for cardiovascular health.
An anti-inflammatory diet rich in vegetables and fruits, even spices, can help reduce the risk of cancer of the colon. Soda pop and refined grains are pro-inflammatory.
Do you take aspirin for granted? It's one of the cheapest drugs in the drugstore. How effective is aspirin against cancer? You just might be surprised.
A review of data since 1970 shows that colorectal cancer is killing more white Americans between age 20 and 55.
Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. It has shown intriguing activity against breast, prostate & colorectal cancer. What about pancreatic cancer?
Of course you have heard of the Mediterranean diet. We'll bet you haven't heard of the Nordic diet. It appears to be good for the brain and anticancer too.
When colon cancer patients exercise and eat right, they are less likely to have the cancer return and more likely to survive.
Cleansing the bowel in preparation for a colonoscopy may deplete the digestive tract of many types of beneficial bacteria. Probiotics might restore them.
People who engage regularly in moderate to vigorous physical activity are less prone to chronic health problems such as heart disease or diabetes.
A placebo-controlled study found that vitamin D and calcium supplements did not prevent recurrence of adenomas, growths that may turn into cancer.
When dried plums were included in rats' chow, they were less likely to develop precancerous abnormalities of the colon and had better balanced gut flora.
Before starting a long-term habit of taking aspirin to prevent colon cancer, patients should request genetic testing to see if this will help or hurt.
People with higher blood levels of vitamin D when they were diagnosed with cancer survived months longer.