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Articles categorized as Alpha Gal Allergy

Article imageJoe Graedon - May 16, 2024
Article imageTerry Graedon - June 15, 2023
Article imageJoe Graedon - June 3, 2024 - 24 comments

Why Is Alpha-Gal Allergy So Misunderstood and Misdiagnosed?

Imagine experiencing a life-threatening allergic reaction after eating a burger or barbecue. A marshmallow can also trigger an attack of alpha-gal allergy. Many doctors don't recognize it.

Joe Graedon - August 29, 2021

Alpha-Gal Syndrome Creates Carrageenan Crisis

Terry Graedon - September 28, 2020

Will Chigger Bites Give You Unexpected Meat Allergy?

Terry Graedon - May 29, 2019

Show 1167: Will a Tick Bite Make You Allergic to Meat?

Terry Graedon - February 28, 2019

Will Tick Bites Make You Allergic to Red Meat?

Joe Graedon - September 6, 2018

Chigger Bites May Trigger Alpha-Gal Allergy to Red Meat

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Terry Graedon - July 12, 2018

Show 1128: What You Need to Know About Tick-Borne Diseases

Tick-borne diseases now cover a wider range than they once did. How can you keep from getting infected, and what should you do if you are?

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Terry Graedon - July 12, 2018

The Right Clothes Can Protect You from Ticks

When venturing out into tick territory, wear the right clothes: long sleeves and long pants coated with permethrin. This can deter ticks and reduce the risk of bites.

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Joe Graedon - May 17, 2018

Are You Highly Allergic? What To Do About EpiPen Shortage?

The FDA has just warned about an EpiPen shortage. What took the agency so long? Read a tale of woe and intrigue about a life-saving drug.

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Terry Graedon - June 5, 2017

Is There a Sugar from Mammals Hiding in Your Medicines?

An alpha-gal allergic reaction to a sugar from mammals could make certain medicines risky. How can you learn which to avoid?

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Terry Graedon - December 5, 2016

Why Is Doctor Skeptical about Life-Threatening Allergy?

A bite from a lone star tick can lead a person to develop a life-threatening allergy to red meat. The safest course is to avoid eating meat.

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Joe Graedon - December 28, 2015

Gummy Bears Are Risky After Tick Bite Allergy

A tick bite allergy triggered by lone star ticks can lead to a dangerous delayed reaction to eating red meat or even gelatin gummy bears.

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Terry Graedon - July 14, 2014

Life-Threatening Allergy to Meat Is Triggered by Tick Bites

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Terry Graedon - August 3, 2013

830 Alpha-Gal Allergy (archive)

The reaction to a bite from a lone star tick could be a delayed anaphylactic reaction to eating meat. This alpha-gal allergy can be life threatening.

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Joe Graedon - July 1, 2013

Tick Bite Led to Red-Meat Allergy

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Joe Graedon - October 22, 2012

Meat Allergy Is Not Imaginary

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Terry Graedon - July 2, 2012

Strange Allergy Starts with Tick Bite

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Terry Graedon - May 7, 2012

Tick Bite Leads to Scary Allergy

A bite from a lone star tick can lead to a scary allergy to mammalian meat–beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, venison, and more–that could be a medical emergency.

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Terry Graedon - January 9, 2012

Meat Allergy Could Be Deadly