Scientists have been debating the connection between statin-type cholesterol-lowering drugs and the risk of cataracts for more than two decades. Early in the development of these medications there was a report that dogs could develop clouded lenses on high doses of statins. Researchers were not convinced, however, that humans would be susceptible.
Now a study from Taiwan involving more than 50,000 individuals enrolled in the National Health Insurance Database suggests that people taking statins are approximately 20 percent more likely to undergo cataract surgery than those not taking such drugs. Canadian researchers reported last year that patients with diabetes who were taking statins were at nearly 50 percent greater risk of cataracts. The authors of the Taiwanese study recommend regular eye exams for patients on statins.
You can read more about previous reports of cataracts and other statin side effects here. Often scientists need to gather records from large numbers of people to find what side effects such popular medicines may have.
10/26/17 redirected to: