Q. I was amused to hear that scientists have finally figured out that birth control pills reduce a woman’s sexual desire. I’ve known that for years.
When I was younger, the effect wasn’t as obvious, but in my 20s and 30s I knew that BC pills really reduced my sex drive. I’m surprised that other women haven’t figured out that the pill can affect libido. Then again, I suspect that the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in broadcasting this message.
A. A new study of 124 women in The Journal of Sexual Medicine (Jan. 2006) reveals how oral contraceptives might diminish sexual desire. The estrogen in these pills apparently increases production of a protein that binds to testosterone. Less testosterone in the blood stream may account for lowered libido. The effect may persist after birth control pills are discontinued.
Q. I have an allergy to certain metals against my skin. I first noticed it when I had a pair of sunglasses with temples that wrapped behind my ears. Where they touched, it itched incessantly. The solution was simple. I got plastic sleeves that slipped over the temples.
Belt buckles have begun to have the same effect. When I told my doctor about it, he prescribed ketoconazole. The itching and rash disappeared for a short while, but now they’re back.
Is there any solution besides an anti-fungal drug that could cause liver problems? I don’t want to wear suspenders. Gold and stainless steel (a ring and watch) don’t have this effect.
A. Some people are allergic to nickel in metal. Rash and itching are the most common symptoms. They can occur around metal studs on jeans, on ring fingers or under a metal watchband.
Pure gold (12 carat or more), silver or stainless steel should be safe. Avoiding nickel is the best solution.
Coating the belt buckle with clear nail polish may help temporarily. A new belt without nickel in the buckle might solve the problem permanently.
Q. For several years I have been taking atenolol for my blood pressure, Zoloft for depression and Prevacid for acid reflux. Over this time, my breathing has gradually gotten worse and now I can’t walk more than 20 or 30 feet without stopping to catch my breath as if I’d been running for miles. Up to a couple of years ago I walked 4 to 5 miles a day at a fast pace, so this is an alarming change. Could it have anything to do with my medicines?
A. Atenolol (Tenormin) is a possible candidate. This beta blocker can affect the lungs and cause fatigue. Susceptible people may experience asthma and have trouble catching their breath.
Beta blockers like atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol have been first choices for treating high blood pressure for decades. Some researchers have begun to question the effectiveness and safety of such medications (The Lancet, Nov. 6, 2004 and Oct. 29, 2005).
Do not discontinue atenolol on your own, but discuss this issue with your physician. For more information about beta blockers and other medications, we would like to send you our Guide to Blood Pressure Treatment. Anyone who would like a copy may send $2 in check or money order with a long (no. 10) stamped (63 cents), self-addressed envelope: Graedons’ The People’s Pharmacy®, No. B-67, P. O. Box 52027, Durham, NC 27717-2027. It may also be downloaded for $2 from www.peoplespharmacy.com.