Q. I have arthritis in my fingers and knees. Using a computer makes it worse and running on the treadmill has become difficult.
Anti-inflammatory medications make me constipated. Can you send me your Power Pudding recipe to ease my discomfort?
Why don’t you write a book? I clip your articles but they get lost and it’s not always convenient to use your website. I would reach for your book like an encyclopedia.
A. Nurses know about Power Pudding to help alleviate severe constipation. It contains 1 cup applesauce, 3/4 cup prune juice and 1 cup coarse bran.
We are sending you more details about the recipe in our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick and Handy Home Remedies. It also offers a number of natural options for easing arthritis, including herbs such as boswellia, cayenne and turmeric and remedies such as cherry juice, gin-soaked raisins and grape juice with Certo.