Q. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. I was taking Synthroid for an underactive thyroid, but I just didn’t feel well. I found a doctor who prescribed Armour Thyroid instead and now I feel great!
A. An underactive thyroid can result in debilitating fatigue until the problem is corrected. Inadequate levels of thyroid hormone can also cause a curious collection of other symptoms, including common ones like weakness and constipation and odd ones like carpal tunnel syndrome, clumsiness or depression.
For most people, the proper dose of Synthroid can correct the deficit and eliminate symptoms. But some people do better with Armour Thyroid, an extract of pig thyroid. Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid and Unithroid all contain levothyroxine or T4. But thyroid glands actually make T3 as well as T4, and Armour contains both.
You can learn more about this issue as well as interpreting thyroid tests and symptoms of thyroid problems in our Guide to Thyroid Hormones.