Q. Do you have any information about apple cider vinegar mixed with honey for stiff joints? I have mixed a cup of vinegar with a cup of honey in a gallon jug and then filled it up with cold water. But I don’t know how much of this to take in a day. I would appreciate any other information about remedies for stiff joints.
A. Several recipes involving apple cider vinegar date back more than a century. Famous Texan Sam Houston supposedly drank a daily half-cup of a mixture of 5 parts grape juice, 3 parts apple juice and 1 part cider vinegar.
Other remedies for stiff joints include pineapple, grape or pomegranate juice, spices such as ginger or turmeric and herbs such as boswellia or stinging nettle.
We are sending you our Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis with more apple cider vinegar recipes plus other remedies for stiff joints.