Q. After reading about antibiotic treatment for asthma on the People’s Pharmacy website, I am now taking azithromycin. My pulmonologist was aware of this treatment and agreed to me trying it.
After four days, I already feel a difference–no inhalers, no chest constriction or shortness of breath, no continual coughing all night. It is like a miracle. Thank you for making me aware of an alternative to the steroid inhalers that were not working for me.
A. Although many pulmonologists are not familiar with this approach, there is increasing evidence that some cases of hard-to-treat asthma result from a persistent infection. Bacteria such as Chlamydia pneumoniae or Mycoplasma pneumoniae can lurk in lung cells and cause serious inflammation that does not go away.
Eliminating these bacteria takes more than a few days. David Hahn, MD, MS, has found that azithromycin is effective in most cases, but it can take 12 weeks or more of once-weekly medication. To learn more about the protocol and the science behind it, you may wish to read A Cure for Asthma? What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You–and Why, written by Dr. David Hahn and published by People’s Pharmacy Press. You might also find Jim Quinlan’s story of interest.