Q. I solved my acid reflux problem with an answer that had been in your column a few years ago: almonds. I had just had a bad experience with a medication called Dexilant. It made my acid reflux ten times worse.
I stopped the medication and started eating almonds. I experimented with raw, roasted and roasted with salt, to see what worked best for me. I found almonds roasted with salt did the trick.
Someone had written in that they ate almonds before a meal to prevent heartburn. I also ate the almonds just as a snack.
I got to the point I only needed the almonds after a tomato-based meal, and after a little more time I needed none at all. I still eat them as a snack, though.
I do get heartburn occasionally. Depending where I am, I’ll take Tums or almonds. I hope this information will help some of your readers, because it was a huge help for me.
A. We appreciate your story. Other readers have suggested that about half a dozen almonds are enough to ward off heartburn.
We have information about almonds, bananas, fennel, ginger and a range of other options for heartburn in our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies.