Solving medical mysteries has been turned into entertainment on TV’s popular series “House.” Dr. Gregory House may be a curmudgeon, but somehow he manages to unravel the disparate threads of a patient’s story just in time to save a life, and complete the episode. In real life, the drama may not be compressed into such a short time, but the outcome is just as important. Our guest, Dr. Lisa Sanders, writes the column on Diagnosis in The New York Times Sunday magazine section. She tells us how doctors think when they need to figure out what is wrong.
Guest: Lisa Sanders, MD, is Clinical Instructor for Yale University School of Medicine at Waterbury Hospital in Waterbury, CT. Her articles in the New York Times Sunday magazine section illustrate how diagnostic decisions and errors are made. She serves as a consultant for the producers of the television show, “House.” If you have a solved case to share with Dr. Sanders, you can email her at She is unable to respond to all email messages.