Vitamin E has been very controversial. A number of studies have shown that supplements don’t protect people from heart attacks or cancers. But a new study shows people who get plenty of vitamin E from foods are less likely to die from these problems.
Doctors often treat depression with medications, but many people would like to find a way to lift their mood without the risk of antidepressant side effects. An Australian researcher has come up with a number of ideas for natural treatments.
The People's Pharmacy pediatrician, Dr. Alan Greene, tells us about the dangers of ipods. The People’s Pharmacy herbal expert, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, tells us how to cope with PMS naturally. And we open our lines for calls from listeners at 888-472-3366.
Guests: Dianne Volker, PhD, nutrition scientist in the Department of Psychology at the University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Margaret E. Wright, Ph.D. Research Fellow in the Nutritional Epidemiology Branch of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, NIH, DHHS
Alan Greene, MD, founder and CEO of and Stanford University Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. His book is From First Kicks to First Steps: Nurturing Your Baby’s Development from Pregnancy Through the First Year of Life.
Tieraona Low Dog, MD, Director of Education for the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine and Clinical Lecturer for the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy.