Depression is linked to an increased risk of dying from heart disease, cancer or other chronic conditions. Does happiness provide protection against these same hazards? New studies suggest that optimism and laughter can have positive health benefits. We’ll find out how emotions can now be measured in the brain and what skills and behaviors can help us create positive feelings. Guest: Richard J. Davidson, Ph.D., is the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry and Director of the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior at the University of Wisconsin/Madison. Meggan Morehead, Ph.D., is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Clinical Associate at the Duke University Medical Center; co-founder of the North Carolina Center for Positive Psychology. Paul McGhee, Ph.D., is President of The Laughter Remedy in Wilmington, DE.; author of 12 books on humor, including Health, Humor & the Amuse System.