How do you manage headaches? If the pain is mild or infrequent, a common pain reliever such as acetaminophen, aspirin, iburofen or naproxen might work well enough. But if headaches occur often or the pain is severe, you may be looking for a natural cure for headaches.
Is There a Natural Cure for Headaches?
Q. I suffered for many years with recurring headaches. Medications produced awful side effects.
An amazing natural cure got rid of my headaches. I stirred two tablespoons organic apple cider, two tablespoons lemon juice and two tablespoons honey into 8 ounces hot water and drank it daily. Within three days my headaches lessened and within a week they were gone.
Now if I feel a slight headache coming on, I drink the mixture and within 15 minutes my headache disappears.
TRP Channels and Headaches:
A. Thanks for this recipe. Perhaps the secret lies in the lemon juice stimulating TRP (transient receptor potential) channels. The result is to stop the headache.
TRPA1 appears to be important in the development of migraine headaches, and stimulating neurons with TRPA1 channels may overwhelm them so they are no longer able to register pain (Benemei et al, The Journal of Headache and Pain, Aug. 13, 2013). TRPA1 channels respond to a range of stimuli, from horseradish and garlic to cinnamon, cloves and ginger.
Inducing Brain Freeze as a Natural Cure for Headaches:
Other people have found that triggering “brain freeze” may also stop a headache, perhaps through a similar mechanism.
Here is a testimonial:
“I had a painful headache today. I drank two glasses of really cold water to get a brain freeze effect. The pain was quickly reduced. I felt so good that instead of lying down because it hurt to even move, I vacuumed my apartment–something that would have been too painful to do just minutes earlier.”
Other Ways to Find a Natural Cure for Headache:
Research indicates that acupuncture, yoga and biofeedback may be helpful in easing head pain (Millstine et al, BMJ, May 16, 2017). Massage and chiropractic care may also be helpful. For some people with migraine headaches, a combination of riboflavin, magnesium and Coenzyme Q10 can be helpful.
There are many other natural approaches to headache relief in our Guide to Headaches & Migraines.