Q. One reader asked about wart treatments for his 7-year-old grandson. The banana peel treatment you suggested works okay, but we found something that worked like a dream!
For two years our 8-year-old daughter battled warts on her feet, hands, forearm and elbow. We used apple cider vinegar and duct tape.
Apply the vinegar on a tiny piece of cotton ball, place it on the wart, cover it with duct tape and leave it on for a few days. Remove the tape and cotton ball, wash the spot with warm water and repeat if needed.
Our daughter only needed two treatments before all her warts were gone, never to return. She’s been wart-free for over a year.
A. There are so many wart remedies we have lost count. What works for some may not always be effective for others. Here are just a few options our readers have shared: castor oil, milkweed juice, Listerine, garlic, potato, turmeric paste and cimetidine (Tagamet). Details on each are available at www.peoplespharmacy.com.
When all else fails, a dermatologist can freeze, burn or cut warts off. Whatever treatment is used, warts sometimes come back.